

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Army of Two: 40th Day

981army of two 40th day box PC OKLADKA Mask Effect: PS3 Review   Army of Two: 40th Day
As I wait here until I decide to make myself some dinner, I sit and ponder over whether the game Army of Two: 40th Day was any good. My mind starts to play back all that I experienced: the characters, the action, the game itself. My mind is like a filter. I take the information (which is always a lot) and decode it into manageable pieces that I can dissect and look into. Well, I have came upon a conclusion, and although I haven’t beaten it yet, I have put in quite a lot of time to finally draw up a fairly good conclusion.
Bear in mind, I have nether played nor have seen any gameplay footage of  Army of Two.

Download Free Army of two the 40th day Crack

The game sets itself in the mean streets of Shanghai, that’s if there are mean streets in Shanghai (don’t know never been) but I can always assume there is. While on a routine job our two “heroes” get caught up in some large scale war. It looks like someone wants to see the whole city fry, and no it’s not the Joker.Their mission….Get The Hell Out of Shanghai before there’s nothing left.


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